On-site Registration

Join us at Boskone in February 2018! We’d love to see you there! All attendees must purchase a Boskone 55 convention membership to participate in Boskone activities after 6:00 pm on Friday, February 16 and throughout the rest of the convention. Search to see if you already a member or register for Boskone onsite.

While online registration is now closed, on-site registration opens at 1:00 pm on Friday. Registration is located at the top of the escalators in the Harbor Foyer (which is to the left of the hotel lobby when you enter through the front doors).

Pick Up your Name Badge at Registration

Don’t forget to bring a government-issued or school-issued photo-ID, such as a driver’s license, with you to pick up your badge. Everyone (attendees, staff, program participants, artists, hucksters) must pick up their badges and convention materials at Registration.

Membership Rates

Full convention weekend and daily rates are available!

Category Full Convention Friday Saturday Sunday
Adult $65 $25 $50 $20
College* $40 $20 $40 $20
Children K-12* $25 $10 $20 $10
(See Below for more information)
$0 $0 $0 $0

*(school ID may be required)

Registration Hours:

  • Friday 1:00 pm – 8:30 pm
  • Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Sunday 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Memberships for Children and Kids-in-Tow

All children (ages 7–12) who use Dragonslair services must be convention members. However, children who stay with their parents at all times are considered “kids-in-tow,” and need not have memberships. (“Kids-in-tow” do not receive any convention materials.) We are not able to offer babysitting through the convention.

If you have additional questions, please contact us at registration@boskone.org.

Press Passes

Boskone welcomes all members of the press and encourages them to let us know when they are attending. For specifics, please be sure to read our Press Policy.

If you have additional questions, please contact us at marketing@boskone.org.